The energy landscape is evolving rapidly towards the rise of renewable energy. The growth of renewable energy into the grid system brings greater instability to the grid because of fluctuating loads from renewable energy sources. Today, our thermal power generation solution and battery energy storage are designed to help power companies to support renewable energy inputs into the grid system and provide uninterrupted and reliable power.
Multi-Fuel power generators allows operators to use diesel or sustainable gas fuel to provide continuous base load and ramp up/ramp down power inputs into the grid to provide uninterrupted power. Our generators are also designed for start stop operation which helps to minimize fuel consumption when thermal power generators are not needed.
X2 battery energy storage is designed to provide instantaneous power inputs to the grid to stabilize sudden load fluctuations from renewable energy sources. It is also designed to operate short period of time to provide additional power source instead of ramping up thermal power generators. This leads to efficient operation and minimize fuel consumption from thermal power generators.
The photovoltaic power is an environmentally friendly energy source that does not emit carbon dioxide because it produces electricity using only 100% of solar energy. Our One Hybrid system can be integrated with existing solar power infrastructure on site or can be delivered on a turnkey basis by us.